# What's new

22. 03. 2021.

  • Add notification component

11. 03. 2021.

  • Add a prop for hiding the copy in app-layout component
  • Fix popper in select component

06. 03. 2021.

  • Add support for empty content for <bdn-badge> component
  • Add support for icons in badge component
  • Add validation modes for validated select component

28. 02. 2021.

  • Add support for html in message component and support for checkbox
  • Chrome autofill fixes for inputs
  • App layout tablet resolution fixes for sidebar

24. 02. 2021.

  • Add support for multiple decimal places for amount type input
  • Add prevent backdrop closing and prop to hide close button for modal component

21. 02. 2021.

  • Add <bdn-tooltip> component
  • Add bdn-time directive

31. 01. 2021.

  • Add separate <bdn-pagination> component

28. 01. 2021.

  • Add <bdn-tabs> component
  • Fast enter changes - it follows the tabindex attribute now

24. 01. 2021.

  • Add shadow on a horizontal scroll for responsive tables
  • Add header slots in table component
  • Add <bdn-inlint-loader> component

26. 10. 2020.

  • Add amount-integer type for inputs
  • Various fixes

18. 10. 2020.

  • Convert <bdn-container>, <bdn-row>, <bdn-col>, <bdn-group>, and <bdn-divider> to functional components.

14. 10. 2020.

  • Add internal pagination for table component
  • Various fixes for select, input and table components

29. 09. 2020.

  • Add bdn-mask directive

27. 09. 2020.

  • Add <bdn-modal> component

10. 09. 2020.

  • Add <bdn-table> and <bdn-table-simple> documentation.

09. 09. 2020.

  • Add <bdn-keyboard-control> documentation.

08. 09. 2020.

  • Fixes for <bdn-keyboard-control> component – bound keys can be in upper or lower case now.
  • Revamped the switch checkbox styles.
  • Table component minor fixes.

07. 09. 2020.

  • Add <bdn-table> component with advanced features like named slots, ability to click and double click on the cells and single or multiple row selection.
  • Menu focus state CSS changes.
  • Minor CSS changes in button component.

03. 09. 2020.

  • Added a new functionality to <bdn-keyboard-control> component – blocking the firing of the same key attached to another controller.
  • CSS changes to menu components for focus state.

02. 09. 2020.

  • Add <bdn-keyboard-control> component – a way to easily bind custom keyboard actions
  • Menu items focus style fixes
  • Added focus methods for menu item components

31. 08. 2020.

  • Select component will automatically select the closest partial match in list while filtering
  • Minor select component fixes
  • Fixes for non-clickable clear button in input and select components

The beginning of time...