# Badge

Counter or status mark on ui elements

Use badge when you need to show a notification on some element such as button or icon. Remember to keep your content inside this element short, and definitely make sure it isn't wider that the element inside.

# Variants

Badge has the same variants as most other elements (minus the outline variants used with buttons). Default variant is primary.


# Position

You can position your badge in any of the four corners. Default position is top-right.


# Keyboard badge

When you have a button that performs an action that is also triggered using keyboard, you can use special variants keyboard and keyboard-plain to show this key combination to users. Simply add keys separated by + sign in content prop (note there are spaces around +), and badge will display it accordingly.


# Empty content badge

You can leave out the content prop, or leave it empty, to get the little notification circle and draw users attention.

New messages

# Slots reference

Slot Description
default The default slot should contain the component or ui element on top of which the badge will be shown.

# Props reference

Prop Type Default Accepts Description
position String top-right top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left Determines the corner where a badge will be shown.
variant String primary primary, secondary, danger, success, warning, info, plain A color of the badge
content String empty Any string or number A content that should be shown in badge.
block Boolean false true or false When set on true, badge will take up the 100% width of parent container.