# Divider

Divider is a simple component that can be used to divide sections in your app

# Basic example

Divider component has a label, and a line that spans the rest of the width.

In case you want the simple line, leave out the label prop.

This is a basic divider

# Label position

Label can be positioned left (default), center or right.

Label left (default)
Center label
Right label

# Color variants

There are 5 available color variants for the divider: plain (default), primary, secondary, success, danger, text

Plain (default) variant
Primary variant
Secondary variant
Success variant
Danger variant
Text variant

# Divider size

Size props have effect only on the label's font size. There are 3 available sizes: sm (default), normal and md

Small size divider
Normal size divider
Medium size divider

# Vertical divider

A vertical divider will only work inside the flex container with row direction and cannot have a label.


# Props reference

Property Type Default Accepts Description
label String empty Any string Text that will be displayed in divider.
position String left left, center, right Position of the text
variant String plain plain, primary, secondary, success, danger, text A color variant of the label. The color will be applied to both text and line.
size String sm sm, normal,md` Size of the label text
vertical Boolean false true or false Denotes if it should be a vertical divider