# Checkbox

Multiple choice option component

Use checkbox when you need to offer users multiple choices they can select, or for confirming the choice.

# Basic example

# Different value types

Coming soon

# Switch

Switch is a just a checkbox that looks a little bit different. Use it when you need it's better suited to communicate on/off state.

To use switch, just add the switch prop to <bdn-checkbox> component.


# Events reference

Event name Description
input Triggered after checking/unchecking the checkbox
focusin Triggered when checkbox is focused
blur Triggered when checkbox loses focus

# Props reference

Property Type Default Accepts Description
value Any empty Any value A value for v-model when checkbox is checked
unchecked-value Any empty Any value A value for v-model when checkbox is unchecked
checked Boolean false true or false Denotes if the checkbox should be checked on load. However, do not use this, set desired value to your v-model instead.
required Boolean false true or false If checkbox is required. Used for form validation.
label String empty Any string A label for your checkbox
switch Boolean false true or false Determines if the checkbox should be switch or regular checkbox