# Atlas Introduction
Guidelines, best practices and conventions for software development in Badin Soft.
Welcome to Badin Soft Atlas.
The intention of this document is to provide a set of guidelines, best practices and development conventions for use in developing and maintaining scalable applications and components to be used in Badin Soft.
At the moment of writing, this document is directed primarily at VueJS technology and components written for this specific framework which will be used when developing Badin Soft internal projects.
However, considering that we are using many other technologies inside our company, there is a possibility for this document to be expanded to support and describe best practices for those other technologies as well.
The content here will deal with the following:
- Code standards and industry conventions
- Programming patterns and organizing code
- Instructions on how to use the available VueJS components and boilerplate project
We will not be getting into explanations of how front-end technologies work, be it Javascript or VueJS – for those you have other really good resources on the internet which you can consult at any time, as well as your colleagues and People Managers in your Community of Practices.
At the end of this foreword, remember that we are creating solutions for other people, our clients and their audiences, not for ourselves. Every choice that you make when writing your code should serve it’s purpose and must be weighed against the effect it produces. Just because something is trendy or modern, it doesn’t mean it will have real life benefit, so keep that in mind and write clean and stable code, that we all can be proud of.